Baptism at southeast

Your relationship with Christ starts here.

As a follower of Jesus Christ, baptism is an essential step in our relationship with Him.

  • What is baptism?

    We respond to God's free gift of salvation by believing in Jesus Christ to save us. We demonstrate our belief by surrendering to Christ's leadership and authority over our lives and by being immersed in water and raised out of the water (baptized) in His name. Acts 2:38

  • Why should i be baptized?

    To obey the command of Christ: Matthew 28:19-20
    To identify with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection: Romans 6:3-5
    As a pledge toward God: 1 Peter 3:20-21

  • When should i be baptized?

    As soon as you believe in Christ and choose to follow Him it is appropriate to be baptized. All of the baptisms in the Bible occurred the same day people believed Acts 2:41 and Acts 8:35-38

    If you would like to be baptized, contact us!

  • What should I expect?

    At SCC we do baptisms anytime and anywhere water is available. We are always available to do baptisms during our weekend services.

    Wear shorts and a top or swim wear. Something you don't mind getting wet.

    We encourage you to invite your family and friends to attend your baptism and service!

    You will be asked these questions:

    • Do you personally place trust in and rely on Jesus’ work on the cross to give you the forgiveness of your sins?
    • Do you renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of this world, and repent of your sin?
    • Do you commit to follow Jesus Christ by faith, according to the teachings of the Bible, and with God as your helper, for the rest of your life?
    • Can you confess with your mouth the great confession? "Jesus is Lord!"

Baptism resources

Below are two videos with more information on what it means to be baptized.