Southeast Teams

Below is a list of teams at Southeast. Each one is a wonderful opportunity to meet and serve others who call Southeast home. If you would like to serve in one of these areas, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page and a member of our staff will get you connected to the team leader!

  • Southeast Kids

    Southeast Kids is looking for volunteers! If you love kids and want to help them grow in their faith, this is an amazing opportunity!

  • Southeast students

    Southeast Students meet on Sunday mornings during the 9:15am Bible Study hour as well as Sunday nights from 5-7pm. If you like to hang out with 6th-12th graders, this is the area for you! If you can't commit to weekly, they are also looking for volunteers for special events or to provide snacks and drinks for their evening meetings.


    Do you enjoy music? Can you help with cameras or projection? The Worship Team is for you! Our tech team is a 4 person operation on Sunday mornings- someone who mixes the sound for in house, someone who mixes the sound for the online stream, someone who handles the slide projection, and someone who runs our camera. We will train you in any area that you might be interested in! We also have opportunities to play an instrument or sing.

  • Sunday morning teams

    There are plenty of ways to serve on Sunday mornings! Our Cafe, Greeting, and Communion Teams are a few ways to serve the body!

  • Mid-Week Teams

    We understand that not everyone can serve on a Sunday morning. We have teams that pray, visit individuals, and make meals for families who need help after different life events. Our Prayer Team will receive a list of prayer requests weekly to pray over. Our Visitation Team and Meal Maker Team are on call for when the need arises.

  • Communication Team

    The Communication Team at Southeast has openings for Online Hosts and Photographers! Online Hosts will help welcome and connect with those joining the live stream on Sunday mornings. Photographers will be on rotation to gather photos around Southeast on Sundays or at events. The photos will be used in various Southeast advertising avenues!

  • Food Bank and Clothing Closet

    If you enjoy connecting with the community, this is the place for you! Our Food Bank and Clothing Closet is growing at a very fast pace! We need volunteers for our Saturday Food Banks (9-11am). We meet every second Saturday of the month. Please plan to arrive an hour early to set up and stay 45 minutes late to clean up. During the Food Bank you could be at the Information Tent, with the Clothing Closet, praying with people, or sorting and passing out food boxes.

  • Building and grounds

    The Building and Grounds Team at Southeast is tasked with jobs like mowing, gardening, changing HVAC filters, upgrades to in the interior and exterior of the building, painting, and many more projects! Most of these projects can be done on your schedule during the week.

  • administration Team

    Can you help us prepare for Sunday by folding bulletins, making copies, or prepping lesson books? Could you help prepare for yearly events like the Health Fair, Easter, or Christmas Eve when we need extra hands? We would love to have you on the Admin Team!

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